Agartala, Aug 3 (IANS) The CPI-M leaders and party members in Tripura on Saturday launched a week-long fund collection drive to support those affected by the landslide in Kerala's Wayanad.
Former Tripura Chief Minister and CPI-M Politburo member Manik Sarkar, former minister Manik Dey and former Lok Sabha member Sankar Prasad Datta on Saturday led a donation collection drive in Agartala to raise funds for the affected people of Wayanad district.
Sarkar said the CPI-M launched a fund collection drive which would be undertaken across the state.
Tripura Leader of Opposition (LoP) and CPI-M state Secretary Jitendra Chaudhury said that the party state committee earlier decided to donate Rs 10 lakh to the Kerala Chief Minister's relief fund for the relief of the landslides affected people of Wayanad.
"We urge the people of Tripura to donate money generously for the support of the distressed people of Wayanad," Chaudhury told the media.
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