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Historical Event on 7/21/1984

Terrorists breach Bhakra canal in Punjab.

Other Historical Dates and Events
3/17/1995Congress-I in Arunachal Pradesh wins two-third majority.
1/17/1987Tata Football Academy was opened in Tatanagar.
5/11/1999Centre removes the West Bengal Governor A. R. Kidwai. The Arunachal Pradesh Governor Mata Prasad had also been asked to step down.
1/9/1916Ramkrishna Ramnarayan Ruia, great industrialist, was born.
4/9/1974India, Pakistan, Bangladesh reach pact to exchange prisoners of 1971 war in New Delhi.
6/17/1913Waman Vasudev Chitle (Bal Chitle), Marathi story writer and editor, was born.
7/21/1977Bhudevchandra Basu, famous animal expert, passed away.
10/19/1990The Government of India under an ordinance puts forward a three-point formula for Ayodhya issue: (i) to acquire the land (ii) other land may be given for building temple except the disputed one (iii) the issue may referred to Supreme Court for speedy solution.
5/8/1910Tolstoy replies to Gandhiji that question of Passive Resistance is of greatest importance, not only for India but for humanity.
4/2/1902Gulam Ali Khan Ustad Bade was born.